What the Downgrade in US Debt Means to You
One of the three major credit rating agencies has downgraded US Treasury securities. What does that mean for you?
One of the three major credit rating agencies has downgraded US Treasury securities. What does that mean for you?
Services offered by financial advisors – and what they charge for them – varies widely. Here’s what you should look for.
Many of the strategies to reduce how much tax you have to pay are consistent over time but implementing them is an ongoing activity. There are opportunities you can take advantage of each year. Tax laws change, and your strategies need to keep up with them. In this episode we review a number of the basic principles and what you can do each year to keep your tax payments to a minimum.
There’s a recession coming. Here’s how to make sure your finances are prepared for it.
It is never easy to see the market, and your portfolio, decline. We don’t want to sell and lock-in losses. Are there any ways that you can get some benefit to offset some of the decline in value? Here are a few ideas you can use.